‘Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light’
-Albus Dumbledore from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Meet Megann….
Welcome to my world! I’m Megann Wilkerson, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Idaho Falls, Idaho. I’ve had the privilege of working with children, adolescents and adults for over twenty years in a variety of mental health settings and am excited to share my experiences with you.
I’m a firm believer that when given the right tools and opportunities we have the power to find joy in the different areas of our lives. I use a strengths-based approach, and as your therapist will help guide you towards the skills you need to work towards healthy relationships, encounter resilience, discover your strengths and experience joy.
Providing a Safe Space
My goal is to create a safe and supportive environment for you to be able to process your challenges and feel empowered. I want you to leave each session with a commitment to self and renewed feelings of hope.
In-person and remote options
My office is conveniently located in the Ammon and Idaho Falls area. Can’t make it into the office? No worries - we can look at the possibility of teletherapy.